There remained the schoolmaster-probably now a reverend parson . 还有他那位教师哪,也许现在是一位令人敬重的牧师了。
Their attention and wit were drawn off to his more fortunate rival . 他们的注意力和心机已经转向他那位更幸运的情敌了。
In those times his courteous and talkative wife was renowned for her hospitality . 当时,他那位殷勤、健谈的女主人素有好客的美名。
"but do let her go, jacky," coaxed his poor witless wife . “可是你非叫她去不可,捷奇,”他那位头脑简单,智力低下的太太甜言蜜语地说。
I repeatedly encouraged mr. mackenzie king to keep his representive, the skilful and accomplished mr. dupuy, at vichy . 我一再促请麦肯齐金把他那位干练和渊博的代表迪皮伊先生留在维希。