他: he这样: so; such; like this; this wa ...干: trunk; main part是: Semantics谁: who授意: incite sb. to do sth.; inspi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...他们怀疑这样干是否划得来: they doubted whether all this work would pay off决定不这样干: decide against doing so这样干要闯祸的: it will bring trouble on yourself if you do so着就这样干吧okdo: it that way授意: incite sb. to do sth.; inspire; suggest 某人授意写的文章 inspired articles; 由反对党授意散布的丑闻 a scandal inspired by the opposition; 他这样干, 是谁授意的? who got him to do that他这样做可真缺德: it's wicked of him to act like that他这样做太放肆了: it is too presumptuous of him to do so得到灵感的, 有灵感的, 官方授意的: inspired他这样做是出于嫉妒: he acted out from jealousy试想你这样干下去会有好结果吗: just think. will it do you any good if you go on like this是谁: how; where; who is; whois除了他这样蠢人谁会如此胡诌: who but a fool like he would talk through his hat没有人知道他这样做的缘故: no one could know why he did like that如果允许他这样做就会为别人开先例: if he is allowed to do this it will be a precedent for others他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全: such offences as his profoundly endanger public security他这样的态度何尝有解决问题的诚意呢: if that's his attitude how can you say he sincerely wants the question settled他这样做纯粹是为了使坏he: just did so for mischief她总不会当面对他这样讲吧: least she wouldn't say this to his face