他: he迈: step; stride; pass白卡罗他迈: bicalutamide他迈着大步行走: he walked with long strides他卖了房子及房内的许多家具: he has sold his house and a lot of furniture in it他瞒着我做出了决定: he made the decision without my prior knowledge or consent他卖掉家具以渡过病期的难关: he sold his furniture to tide over his illness他满脸麻子: he is pitted with smallpox. a person with a pockmarked face他卖出每样东西都获利: he has a profit on everything he sells他满脸嗔色: he scowled his displeasure他买这本书三周了: he has had the book for weeks他满目怒火: his eyes were flames of anger他买下那家饭店的确太贸然行事了: he surely went off the deend when he bought that restaurant