他: he说: try to persuade不出: 3年 within three years issue; ...所以然: the reason why; the whys and ...来: come; arrive他说不出话来: words fail him所以然: the reason why; the whys and wherefores 知其然而不知其所以然 know that sth. is so but not why it is so; know what is done but not why it is done; know what happened, but not its whys and wherefores; 他说不出个所以然来。 he could not explain why it is so不知其所以然: know the hows but not the whys不知所以然的: bewildered(使)说不出话: choke说不出的: inarticulate说不出地: all-overish说不出话: lose one's tongue; cannot utter a word; could not have spoken for the world; his [her] tongue failed him [her].; (nearly) robbed sb. of speech; words failed him.: 当我和失散已久的兄弟见面时, 我激动得说不出话。 words failed me when i met my long-lost brothers说不出话的: dumb说不出话来: speechless; take their breath away; words fail me说不出口: unutterable; unspeakable说不出口的: nefandous说不出来: lose one's tongue说不出来的: unspeakable我并不明其所以然: i'm not sure what this could mean知其然,不知其所以然: know that sth. is so but not why is soknowing it's so,but don't know why it's soHe knows the thing for a fact but does not know the ways and wherefores of it.know the hows but not the whys我跟他说不来: i don't see eye to eye with him可我说不出来: its on the tiof my tongue but i just cant get it out使说不出话来: dumfound说不出的感觉: unexpressible feelings