他: he被: quilt放逐: send into exile; exile; bani ...到: 39一个: one; a; an很: very; quite; awfully远: far; distant; remote的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...地方: place; space; room去很远的地方: get far很远很远的地方: far far place从很远的地方来到这学习: from far away to study here然后它拉我到很远的地方: and then it draws me far away ............在很远的地方就听得到: clyde住在离学校很远的地方: live far away from the school天堂是一个很近的地方: always heaven is a place nearby; heaven is a place nearby克莱得 威尔斯 在很远的地方就听得到: clyde威尔斯 在很远的地方就听得到: clyde幸运的是你出生在很远的地方: lucky you were born that far away描述一个较远的地方: describing a distant place辽远的地方: faraway places遥远的地方: back of beyond; remote place; the place far far away; thule穆尔镇的被放逐到孤岛的人遗产: the maroon heritage of moore town拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛的时间很短: napoleon's exile to elba was brief不太远的地方: ahí there