他: he被: quilt判: distinguish; discriminate五年: five years; lustrum劳役: corvée; forced labour milita ...被判处服十年劳役: be sentenced to ten years' hard labour他被判出场: he was put on the bench after three fouls最高判五年有期徒刑: carries a maximum five-year sentence他被判处死刑he: was sentenced to death他被判处终身流放: he was condemned to life long exile他被判为重罪犯: he was convicted to be a felon他被判有谋杀罪: he was convicted of murder他被判处无期徒刑he: was condemned to life imprisonment他被判犯有谋杀罪。(宣判…有罪): he was convicted of murder劳役: corvee; forced labour; penal servitude◇劳役地租 labour rent; rent in the form of service; 劳役农场 penal farm五年: five years; lustrum◇五年计划 five-year plan; 五年一贯制 scheme for a continuous course of five years; five years in a continuous cycle长年劳累: the weight of years and trouble青年劳动军: youth labour army被判输: take the count青年劳动妇女: grisette处以劳役, 罚役: punishment by labor service监狱劳役: prison labour劳役地租: labour rent劳役农场: penal farm劳役中心: detention centre correctional services department; detention centre, correctional services department