他: he经常: day-to-day; everyday; daily出入: come in and go out; go out a ...舞会: dance; ball; dancing party时常出入: frequentation经常出没: haunt经常出没于: haunt about经常出砂井: chronic sander能经常出差: travelling in china他经常患感冒: he often suffers from cold他经常来看我: he comes to visit me frequently(俚语)经常出没;闲荡: hang out能够经常出差: able to frequently travel愿意经常出差: be willing to travel frequently; li willing to travel; willing to travel frequently他经常干这种事: lesson 18he often does thiss他经常上图书馆去: he often goes to the library他经常说别人坏话: he often speaks ill of others经常出没于某地: haunt about a place他经常通宵达旦地工作: he often works round the clock他经常为儿童刊物写稿: he is a regular contributor to children's magazines接受经常出差(国内及国外): willing to travel frequently both domestically and abroad十一月份经常出现霜冻: frosts often occur in november她经常出现在我脑海里: she′s always on my mind舞会: dance; ball; dancing party 举行舞会 hold a dance; 开舞会 give a dance; 家庭舞会 family dancing party 能适应经常出差,能承受工作压力: well traveled with regional exposure,able to work under pressure