他的: his错误: wrong; mistaken; incorrect; ...情节: plot; story严重: serious; grave; grievous; cr ...情节严重: grave/serious circumstances; gravity of the circumstances情节严重的: cases of gross violation; persons who violently resist inspection detention or arrest to a serious extent or情节严重, 加重的情节: circumstances of aggravation严重的错误: a grievous error fault sin crime etc; i've made a few更为严重的错误: a yet worse mistake他承认了他的错误: he acknowledged his mistake造成严重后果的错误: a fatal mistake不应该姑息他的错误: we shouldn't be indulgent towards his mistakes对他的错误不能迁就: we mustn't pass over his mistakes我们不能容忍他的错误: we can't tolerate his mistakes粗心大意犯的比较严重的错误: mistake / blunder情节特别严重: circumstances are particularly serious; when the circumstances are particularly wicked是他的错: its his fault常犯的错误: 20.a common mistake常见的错误: a common error程序的错误: bug出现的错误: defect法律的错误: error of law反常的错误: anomalous error荒谬的错误: clanger绝大的错误: egregious error