他的: his身体: body很: very; quite; awfully健康: health; healthy; physique; s ...他一向身体很健康: he has always had good health. health健康的身体: sehat e tandrusti; sehat-e-tandrusti; sound physical health近来我的身体很不好: i've been rather ill of late很健康: healthy; very good health枪弹穿入他的身体: a bullet entered his body他的身体彻底垮了: he has completely broken down他的身体好极了: his health is wonderful for a man of his age他的身体可娄啦: he is in poor health我很健康: i'm in excellent health thank you象很健康: look well样子很健康: in good looks她给他爱,他的身体斜面处理: she gives him loving that his body cant handle身体很棒: be in hard condition身体很好: as fit as a fiddle; be in condition; be out of condition身体很虚: be very weak physically身体很糟: in a very poor health她身体很弱: she is very weak. young有利于我们的身体健康: be beneficial to our physical health有健康的身体才有健康的精神: a sound mind in a sound body他看来很健康: he looks very healthy她显得很健康: she looked to be in good health