他的: his病: illness; sickness; disease; ...见好: get better; mend了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...他的病很轻: his illness is not at all serious. not important见好: get better; mend 他的病见好了。 he's on the mend把他的病医好: cure him of his illness他的病很严重: his illness was a severe one医生治好了她的病: the doctor straightened out her trouble. wipe out他的病还有指望: there is still hope of his recovery他的病情急速恶化: his condition rapidly worsened他的病情有了转机: his illness took a favourable turn. transfer他的病让我急死了: i'm worried sick by his illness他的病有了好转: his illness has taken a turn for the better医生和他的病人: the leech and his patient一种新药医好了她的病: she was cured with a new medicine手术后他的病有了起色he: is beginning to pick up after the operation他的病情恶化日甚一日: his condition got worse and worse他的病情因焦虑而加重: his illness was aggravated by anxiety忧虑使他的病情加剧了his: illness is being aggravated by anxieties你帮他的忙真太好了: it's nice of you to help him青霉素治好了他的肺炎: penicillin cured him of pneumonia相见好: happy together你的病虽然好了可要防止反复: you are well now but mind you don't have a relapse好了: ca y est; don't think twice it's all right; goodwood; tiger-panther cavalry