他的: his歌词: words of a song有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...描绘: describe; display; artwork; ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...我: I; my; me一生: a lifetime; all one's life; ...毁了我的一生: ruin my life完成了我的一生: completed my whole life我的一生: all my life; histoire de ma vie; the story of my life有效的一击: partial hit在我的一生中: through all my life直至我的一生: till the end of life我的一生在你手中: entrust my life to you我用我的一生等你: i've been waiting for all of my life声音的描绘: a quiz on sounds树的描绘: drawing trees图的描绘: drawing graphs nicely优美的歌词: great lyrics他的一生是与贫苦和失业斗争的一生: his whole life is a fight against poverty and unemployment回忆他的一生是甜蜜的: remembering him life is sweet他唱出的歌词就是我的生活: singing my life with his words不能让我的一生穷困潦倒: couldn't stay all my life down that hill我的一生会一直远离家乡: all my life all the time so far away from home