他的: his杰作: masterpiece; masterwork给: supply; provide枪毙: execute by shooting reject; ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...主人的杰作给校长造成灾难: the master's masterpiece caused a disaster to headmaster精美的杰作: exquisite masterpiece最后的杰作: swan song建筑上的杰作: architectural masterpieces你的生活,你的杰作: your life,your masterpiece枪毙了那个坏蛋才解恨: shoot that scoundrel dead to slake my hatred for him具有代表意义的杰作: typical masterpiece一首出自上帝的杰作: written by the hands of god这些囚犯被分批带出去枪毙了: the prisoners were led out in batches and shot枪毙: 1.(打死) execute by shooting2.(否定) reject; turn down 他的杰作给枪毙了。 his “masterpiece”was rejected 杰作: masterpiece; masterwork 精美[无与伦比]的杰作 an exquisite [unequaled] masterpiece家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一: he that sips of many arts drinks none糟毙了: it’s terrible假枪毙: mock shooting枪决, 枪毙: execution by shooting巨著,杰作: magnum opus a great work名著,杰作: classic毙了哈巴狗: shoot the dog毙了那狗: shoot the dog酷毙了,强悍的: bad