他的: his才能: talent; ability; gift; aptit ...将: ask; appeal for保证: pledge; guarantee; assure; e ...他: he得到成功: achieve success他们过低估计了他的才能: they underestimated his abilities得到成果: pay-off马到成功: (形容迅速取得胜利) win success immediately upon arrival; be accomplished instantly [in a moment]; carry out one's mission quickly; win instant success; gain an immediate victory [success]; with success the moment one arrives 你们一组人, 个个团结, 干起事来, 马到成功。 you have good unity in your group, and success will be yours for the asking. 分别时, 他说:“但愿兄弟马到成功。”when we departed, he said, “i wish you a speedy success.”出色的才能: brilliant talent创新的才能: initiative发明的才能: contrivance; inventiveness母性的才能: maternal quality; mothering ability潜在的才能: latent abilities特殊的才能: exceptional talent天赋的才能: gift天生的才能: innate ability beauty etc误解的才能: talent of misunderstanding一般的才能: average talent我不能保证他诚实: i can't answer for his honesty管理者的才能: managerial quality企业家的才能: entrepreneurship职能上的才能: functional competency才能成功: only by working hard can we succeed in doing everything旗开得胜马到成功: speedy success