他的: his工作: work; operation; working; op ...没有: not have; there is not; be w ...价值: value有价值的工作,满意的工作: a rewarding job没有价值: not fit to carry guts to a bear; smell; void value; worthlessness没有价值的: cheap; nugatory; of no value; of no worth; paltry; valueless没有价值 没有值: voidvalue没有价值的 无价值的: valueless没有价值的,没有用的: worthless没有价值的,无意义的: of no account没有价值的东西: straw没有价值的商品: worthless merchandise junk没有价值的小东西: button没有价值之批评: criticastry他一年到头工作没有假日: he works all the year round without a holiday这工作没有找到相当的人: we haven他埋头于他的工作: he is bound up in his work赞赏他的工作能力: admire his capacity for work工作没做好: a work ill done must be twice done有价值: avail; be of great value = be very valuable = be a value; merit; of value; outvalue; valuable没有出路的工作: a dead-end job很明显他喜欢他的工作: he obviously enjoyed his work我对他的工作无可挑剔: i have no fault to find with his work我真钦佩他的工作能力: i really admire his capacity for work