他的: his头发: hair; pile; hair on human he ...扎煞: spread; stretch out; stand o ...着: wear; dress他的头发已剪短了: his hair has been cut short他的头发已灰白了his: hair has turned grey她扎煞着手不知该干什么: she spread out her arms not knowing what to do他的头发从正中向两边分开: his hair was parted exactly in the middle电烫的头发: permanent短短的头发: short hair金黄的头发: blonde hair纠结的头发: elflock卷曲的头发: wavy hair栗色的头发: chestnut hair两边的头发: sides凌乱的头发: unkempt hair浓密的头发: thatch浓浓的头发: head of hair; shock of hair蓬乱的头发: shaggy hair eyebrows蓬松的头发: fluffy hair; mass of thick hair飘垂的头发: flowing hair飘散的头发: u ound hair; unbound hair头顶的头发: top乌黑的头发: dark hair how乌亮的头发: dark glossy hair