他的: his举止: habit; bearing; manner; fron ...颇: inclined to one side; obliqu ...带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...女人: woman气: gas他的举止看上去很俗气: his manner seemed rather boorish女人气: effeminacy不当的举止: unseemly manner不雅的举止: a gauche manner person remark粗暴的举止: atrocious manners粗俗的举止: low manners tastes etc大胆的举止: in a bolder manner大方的举止: easy manners活泼的举止: tittup轻浮的举止: light manners文静的举止: a quiet manner文雅的举止: gentle manners愚笨的举止: imbecile behaviour愚蠢的举止: stupid behaviour他的举止像个训练有素的军人: he behaves like a well trained soldier他的举止与这庄严的场合不协调: his behaviour was not in keeping with the solemn occasion女人气的: effeminate; sissy女人气质: womanliness女人气质的: feminine type