他: he是: Semantics唯一: only; sole; unique可靠: reliable; dependable; trustw ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...不可靠的人: a broken reed; weak vessel可靠的人: a right guy; standby这是唯一可能的解决方法: it is the only solution possible诚实可靠的人: man of his word你是唯一知情的人: you're the only one who knows that非常忠实可靠的人: a very white man受信任的人;可靠的: trusty在可靠的人手中: in safe hands第一天见面,我就知道他是唯一: from the first day i saw i knew she was the one唯一可译码: uniquely decodable code可靠的: allright; authentic; authoritativ; certain; confident; confiding; credible; dependa ble; dependable; fail safe; faithful; fast; faultfree; firm; good; positive; reassuring; rel reliable; reliant; respinsible; responsible; secure; surefire; tried; veracious爱是唯一: across the universe; love is all we know; she's the one家是唯一。: no place like home你仍是唯一: you're still the one你是唯一: aint no other man; be my last; it's you; meaing of love-you are the one; shania twain:you'r still the one; the one that you love; there will never be another you; you coule be the one; you're the one; you’re the one你是唯一的: you are the only one她是唯一: she's the one; she's the one我是唯一: i could be the one; i was the one我是唯一吗: am i the only one