他: he是: Semantics邻居: neighbour吗: what他有一个好邻居: he has found his match他是个好人: he is a good guy好邻居: hao lin ju他是个好样儿的: he is a good sort里的好邻居: neighbours in the sea他是个好吃懒做之徒: he is a gluttonous and lazy guy他的肤色与他是否是个好律师无关: his skim color is not necessarily relevant to his being a good lawyer是个好地方: it's a good place是个好主意: it‘s a good idea他是个蠢蛋: he is a dummy他是个粗人: he is a redneck他是个独苗: a. he is an only child他是个间谍: he is a spy beyond all doubt他是个经理: he's a manager他是个忙人: he is a busy man他是个男孩: he was a boy他是个朋克: he was a punk他是个骗子: he was a fake他是个学生: he is a student他是个要人: he is a big man他是个智叟: he’s a wise old owl