他们: they经营: manage; operate; run; engage ...外币: foreign currency买卖: buying and selling; business ...外币买卖选择权: foreign option他们经营一家运输公司: they ran a transportation company. it is rather profitable多元货币买卖: multi-currency trading多种货币买卖: multi-currency trading经营外汇业务: engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations; foreign exchange operation买卖,经营: handle买卖外币损益: profit and loss on buying and selling foreign currency他们经常到网吧: internet cafe/net bar他们经常在一起: they hang out a lot他们经商已多年: they have engaged in trade for many years经营, 做买卖: deal in经营外汇业务许可证: foreign exchange busine operation permit; foreign exchange business operation permit; jie foreign exchangebusiness operationh permit经营外汇业务许可证来源: foreign exchange business operation permit外汇业务, 外币业务, 外币经营: foreign currency operations场帐,外币汇兑或期货买卖帐: position bookkeeping经营外汇业务许可证来源:考试大: foreign exchange business operation permit他们彼此住得很近 他们经常一起去购物: they live very near,so they often go shopping together折价换取, 经营, 做买卖: trade in外币: foreign currency 你出国时带多少外币? how much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?; 外币保有额 foreign currency holdings; 外币兑换 foreign currency exchange; 外币汇票 foreign currency bill; 外币债券 foreign currency debentures; bonds in foreign currencies 我们经营的商品主要是工艺品: our lines are mainly arts and crafts当午眠之时你可看他们经过: when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by