

  • playing by heart
  • :    follow
  • :    the heart
  • :    love
  • 从心所欲:    have whatever one's heart desires; do as one pleases; free-wheeling
  • 从心所原:    the facts of life


        :    follow
        :    the heart
        :    love
        从心所欲:    have whatever one's heart desires; do as one pleases; free-wheeling
        从心所原:    the facts of life
        心所:    mental factors; secondary mindset
        从心底:    deep down
        化从心:    hua congxin
        慧心所:    pabba-cetasika
        心所法:    mental action or contents mentality intellection
        我所爱:    what i love: selected poems
        从心宠物屋:    warming place
        从心底里:    from the bottom of one’s heart
        从心开始:    empty city; reign over me
        从心坎里:    from the privacy of one's thoughts
        从心领导:    leadership through people skills
        力不从心:    one's strength does not match one's ambitions.; ability falling short of one's wishes; ability not equal to one's ambition; be unable to do as well as one would wish; bite off more than one can chew; far exceed one's power; strength not equal to the will; lacking the ability to do what one would like to do; more than willing but lack the power to ...; one's strength falls short of one's desire [will; wishes].; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.; with no physical strength 我想用英语来谈话, 但是力不从心。 i tried to carry on a conversation in english, but it far exceeded my ability
        面从心违:    comply in appearance but oppose in heart
        我打从心底:    i'm feeling inside
        八识心所:    the eight powers functioning or the concomitant sensations
        诚心所愿:    so be it
        民心所向:    where the popular will inclines; the common aspiration of the people
        你心所属:    the one you love / johnny anderson
        人心所向:    the popular sentiment; accord with the will of the people; the avowed feelings [common aspiration] of the people; the direction of popular feeling; the feelings of the people
        任意,随心所欲。:    at will


  1. "从心开始"英文
  2. "从心坎里"英文
  3. "从心理词库理论的角度思考词汇教学"英文
  4. "从心理学角度谈演唱"英文
  5. "从心领导"英文
  6. "从心所欲"英文
  7. "从心所原"英文
  8. "从心脏到心脏"英文
  9. "从星辰缓缓落下"英文
  10. "从星期三到星期五"英文


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