

  • be the first /second / third from the left / right
  • :    follow
  • :    the left side; the left
  • :    in the same direction as; wi ...
  • :    frequently; repeatedly
  • 第一:    first; primary; foremost; fi ...


        :    follow
        :    the left side; the left
        :    in the same direction as; wi ...
        :    frequently; repeatedly
        第一:    first; primary; foremost; fi ...
        :    two
        :    three
        从左(顺)数第一(二,三):    be the first /second / third from the left / right
        第一;二;三;四天:    the first / second / third / fourth day
        位形(二)组态(三):    configuration
        一,二,三,给我玩:    one two three play with me
        倒数第一:    tailender; the last one
        倒数第一又称:    booby
        导电率(二)传导性(三):    conductivity
        二、三、四地址指令:    two three or four address ins truction
        第一、二、三产业:    primary secondary and tertiary industries
        猎人 第一、二、三季:    city hunter
        从左:    from left
        :    Ⅰ介词1.(向着同一个方向) in the same direction as; with 顺流而下 go downstream; 顺时针方向 clockwise2.(依着自然情势; 沿着) along; in the direction of 顺小道上山 go up the mountain along the path; 水顺着渠道流进地里。 water runs along the channel to the fields. 顺着这条路走到拐角处。 follow this road to the corner.Ⅱ形容词1.(有条理) clear and well-written 这篇作文写得还顺。 this essay is grammatically smooth and readable.2.(依次) in sequence 这些号码是一顺的。 these are serial numbers.Ⅲ动词1.(使有条理次序) arrange; put in order 把船顺过来。 set the boat orderly. 这篇文章还得顺一顺。 this essay needs polishing.2.(适合;如意) be suitable; be agreeable 不顺他的意 not fall in with his wishes3.(趁便) take the opportunity to 顺致最崇高的敬意。 i avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.4.(顺从) obey; yield to; act in submission to 百依百顺 docile and obedient; all obedience; 不能总是顺着孩子。 we can't always humour the child the way we do. 他不对嘛, 怎么能顺着他呢 ? how can we do as he wishes when he's obviously wrong?Ⅳ名词(姓氏) a surname 顺仁 shun ren
        :    个Ⅰ量词1.(用于没有专用量词的名词) : 一个理想 an ideal; 两个月 two months; 三个梨 three pears2.(用于约数的前面) 差个两 三岁 about two or three years short; 这点活有个两三天就干完了。 this bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days.3.(用于带宾语的动词后面) 见个面儿 meet a person; 说个话儿 have a talk; 他在农村锻炼了两年, 扶个犁, 赶个车, 都拿得起来。 after a couple of years in the countryside, he was quite good at handling a plough and driving a cartⅡ助词1.(用于动词和补语之间) 笑个不停 keep on laughing; 吃个饱 eat one's fill; 砸个稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens; 明天我们要玩个痛快。 we'll have a wonderful time tomorrow.2.(用在指示代词后面) 这个 this; 那个 that; 这些个 these ones3.[方言] (加在某些时间词后面); 昨儿个 yesterday; 今儿个 today; 明儿个 tomorrowⅢ形容词(单独的) individual 个人 individual (person)
        :    Ⅰ数词1.(二加一后所得) three 三倍 three times; threefold; triple; 三幕喜剧 comedy in three acts; 三岁小孩 a child of three2.(表示多数或多次) more than two; several; many 接二连三 one after another; in quick succession; 三思 think again and again; think twice (about doing sth.); 三弯九转 (full of ) twists and turns; 再三考虑 consider over and over againⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 三成志 san chengzhi
        三a:    triple a
        :    Ⅰ数词(一加一后所得) two 二两茶叶 two liang of tea; 二路公共汽车 no. 2 bus; 二嫂 wife of one's second elder brother; 二者必居其一 either one or the other; 三千二 three thousand two hundred; 一百二 a hundred and twenty; 二二得四。twice two is four. 二层楼[英国] first floor; [美国] second floorⅡ形容词(两样) different 不二法门 standard practice; 不二价 one-price; 二心 disloyalty; half-heartedness
        他的组织能力在班上数第一:    his talent for organization is not surpassed by any other student in his class
        顺-1:    cis-1 4-polybutadiene


  1. "从最早的到最老的最经典的"英文
  2. "从昨天晚上开始"英文
  3. "从昨晚起一直坐立难安"英文
  4. "从左"英文
  5. "从左(顺)数第一(二,三)"英文
  6. "从左边开始选择物品"英文
  7. "从左边门儿下"英文
  8. "从左到右"英文
  9. "从左到右和从上到下"英文
  10. "从左肩端至右肩端的部位"英文


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