从: follow上下: and -- one of the six catego ...载: load; carry; hold音乐: music在因特网上: on the internet就开始下载音乐文件了: wmp因特网上的资源: literacy inrernet tesources; literacy internet resources; litracy internet resources因特网上免费服务: internet free services因特网上的开放商行: open business on the internet因特网上开放式购物: open buying on the inernet在因特网上开放式购物: obi open buying on the internet车载音乐: auto music因特网: internet server; internet:a platform for distributed processing; ios internet operating system; isn internet shopping network; iterent; nternet地址排入因特网上某个邮递列表: mailing list因特网上全球公共卫生系统: internet based global public health system第二代可下载音色: dls 2(downloadable sounds level在英特网上: on the internet上下载布道: itunes沉湎因特网: caught in the web of the internet光因特网: optical internet互联网,因特网: internet净化因特网: purify the net宽带因特网: broadband internet利用因特网: utilize the internet漫游因特网: inside the internet