从: follow离开: leave; depart from; deviate ...进行: be in progress; be underway; ...把……从……隔离开: isolate…from从……离开,脱落: come off从…来;离开: from从…下来,离开,动身,开始: get off动身,离开,开始,从……下来: get off从…下来;着手进行;写下: get down从: 从构词成分。离开: 1.(跟人、物或地方分开) leave; depart from; deviate from; departure; turnaway 离开本题 stray from the subject; digress; 离开岗位 leave one's post; 书记突然离开会议室。 the secretary abruptly left the conference room.2.(付帐后离开) check out 旅客必须于中午前办清手续离开, 否则将收取全日费用。 guests must check out before noon, or they will be charged for the day.; 离开边境 inland; 离开轨道 disorbit; 离开海岸 inland; 离开机构 decorporation; 离开屏幕 frame out从… …, 从… …来, 来自: aus+d从……起,从……来: from从…走过,从…通过: get by从;从…起: from进行: 1.(开展) be in progress; be underway; go on 进行调查 make an investigation; 进行辩论 enter into a debate; 进行表决 put a question to the vote; 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering; 进行报复 make reprisals; 进行正面教育 educate by using positive examples; 会议的准备工作正在进行。 preparations for the meeting are in progress.2.(从事) carry on; carry out; conduct; make 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test; 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle; 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds3.(前进) be on the march; march; advance; proceed从3: import 3d file; max2obj 44k从……,来自: fm from从……出来: come out of; get out of从……出去: get out of从……得到……: get … from从……减去……: from subtract从……括走: sweep…off从……离去: be away from从……流出: issue from; pour down from