从: follow中: hit; fit exactly获得: acquire; gain; obtain; win; ...从…中获得(或产生): derive…from从中获得好处……: benefit from中获得新技术: r&d从…获得乐趣: get pleasure out of enjoy greatly从波浪中获得动力: obtain power from waves从中获得很大好处: make a good thing of程序中获得表格的定义: table definition从学习中获得极大乐趣: derive great pleasure from one's studies如何在工作中获得重视: how to win respect在社交中获得的需要: socially-acquired needs在议会中获得50个席位: pick useats in the parliament智商测验中获得的120分: a score of in the iq test爱不会从从邪恶中获得快乐: love does not delight in evil不采用在某次搜查中获得的证据: suppress evidence obtained during a search不断在国际比赛中获得好成绩: to keeachieving good results in international competitions从某事物中获得巨大的快乐: i ipr i ~ get great pleasure from sth rejoice greatly从某事物中获得利益或利润: cash in take advantage of or profit from sth从这个电视节目中获得乐趣: get a kick out of this tv show力争在精神错乱治疗中获得更好结果: neurocure: towards a better outcome of neurological disorders他在近代语言一科中获得第一名: he got a first in modern language我将从你的心跳中获得勇气: i will find my strength in the beat of your heart我将在你的心跳中获得勇气: i will find my strength in the beat of your heart