今夜: tonight; this evening你: you用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...沉默: silent; reticent狠狠打击: hit hard at...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...我: I; my; me狠狠打击: hit hard at ..你打击了我: man, you hit me! yeah you hit me right in the heart; oh you hit me! yeah, you hit me really hard狠狠打击歪风邪气: take vigorous measures to counter evil trends今夜你的样子: the way you look tonight和你的沉默: and your silence; it"s your silence狠狠打击某人, 给某人颜色看: sock it to sb那么为什么你又用你发自深处: so why do you fill my sorrow今夜你寂寞吗: are you lonesome tonight; honeymoon in vegas今夜你可寂寞: are you lonesome tonight今夜你真撩人: you're looking hot tonight今夜你感到爱了吗: can you feel the love tonight今夜你会不会来: dj yoyo remix; djweiko rmx; would you come here tonight; would you please com home今夜你能否感到爱: can you feel the love tonight今夜你是否感到爱: can you feel the love tonight今夜你完全属于我: tonight you're mine completely卫兰 - 今夜你会不会来: dj yoyo remix不一样的沉默: instinct; ishmael