人: human being; man; person; pe ...迎: go to meet; greet; welcome; ...脉: affectionately; amorously; l ...人迎: jen ying; renying被人迎头一击: stop a blow with one's head找了根笔在百万人迎奥运签名长卷上写下名字: i signed my name on the million people faces the olympics signature long book人影幢幢: shadows of people moving about人影儿: 1.(人的影子) the shadow of a human figure2.(人的形象或踪影) the trace of a person's presence; figure 大街上看不到一个人影儿。 not a soul was seen in the street. 她看见一个人影儿在黑暗中消失了。 she caught sight of a figure disappearing into the darkness. 李大娘成天忙着街道的事儿, 家里见不到她的人影儿。 aunt li is busy with the affairs of the street committee all day long; you can hardly ever find her at home人婴儿腹泻轮状簿: human infantile diarrhea rotavirus人影憧憧: shadows of people moving about人婴儿腹泻轮状病毒: human infantile diarrhea rotavirus人用持续气流吸入式麻醉机技术要求: specifications for continuous flow inhalational anaesthetic machines for use with humans人英文书名主标题为: years of trial turmoil and triumph人用导向面伞衣: personnel guide-surface canopy人英里: passenger-mile; seat mile