人: human being; man; person; pe ...蚤: flea人蚤, 扰蚤: pulex irritans人蚤 致痒蚤: pulexirritans人蚤, 普通蚤: human flea人蚤侵染: infestation by human flea人蚤侵染,扰蚤侵染: infestation by pulex irritans人脏俱获: catch somebody with the goods人赃俱获: catch sb. with the goods; caught together with the loot; both the man and the stolen goods have been found人在檐下过怎得不低头: how can one not bow to the circumstances人在檐下过,怎得不低头: If the caves are low how dare we not bow our heads?How can one not bow to the circumstances?人在中途: in the middle