人类基因: human gene组: group文摘: abstract; digest人类基因组: human genome人类基因组织: hugo人类基因组计画: human genome project人类基因组计划: the human genome project人类基因组组织: hugo; human genome organization基因组文库: genomelibrary; genomic bank; genomic library国际人类基因组组织: human genome organisation国家人类基因组研究所: national human genome research institute人类基因组多样性项目: human genome diversity project人类基因组外遗传计划: human epigenome project人类基因组序列“工作框架图”: working frame maof the human genome中国人类基因组计划: chgp人类基因: human genetics; human genome人类基因体: human genome人类基因学: humangenetik人类基因组专题论文著者群研究: author distribution of special papers on human genome in journals提出人类基因组全序列分析的计划: watson.t人类基因作图,人类基因定位: human gene mapping人类基因测序: human genome人类基因计划: genome project人类基因疗法: human gene therapy人类基因图谱: human genome; menschliches genom