人: human being; man; person; pe ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...本性: inherent character; nature人性: normal human feelings; reaso ...人的本性: fluid pure soul; human nature人的本性及其命运: the nature and destiny of man人的本性与命运: the nature and destiny of man习惯是人的本性: habit is second nature事物的本性: nature of a thing人的本质: human essence; human nature非常善良的本性: a heart of gold a very kind nature暴露某人的本质: reveal one’s nature某人的本质所在: where sb is at本性: natural instincts; natural character; nature; inherent quality; essential(ly)◇本性点 [数学] essential point; 本性根 [数学] essential root; 本性集 [数学] essential set; 本性奇点 [数学] essential singularity; essentially singular point; 本性上确界 [数学] essential supremum; 本性正矩阵 [数学] essentially positive matrix人性: (正常的感情和理性) normal human feelings; reason 不通人性 unfeeling and unreasonable 电视系列节目“科学与万物的本性”: science & the nature of things这种经历将使我暴露我的本性: i have a bottomed-down mind; thi* **perience will make me show my true color; this experience will make me show my true color马克思人的本质观探析: analysis and exploration on marx's view of human essence人性太人性: human too human本性,本身: in oneself本性的: essential本性点: essential point本性根: essential root本性集: essential set本性上: by nature