人民: the people委员: committee member; member of ...人民委员会: people's committee苏俄人民委员: commissar总人民委员会: general people's committee内务人民委员部: nkvd人民委员会之声报: samleng saphia prochea reastr司法人民委员会: people's committee for justice土著人民委员会: indigenous people's commission中央人民委员会: central people's committee最高人民委员会: supreme people's council人民委员会事务委员会: committee of the people's council affairs县人民委员会执行委员会: executive committee of the people's council of the county利比亚总人民委员会: general people's committee of libya声援萨尔瓦多人民委员会: committee in solidarity with the people of el salvador援助伊拉克人民委员会: committee for aid to the iraqi people中央人民委员会(已撤消): central people's committee人民委员会事务和国家行政委员会: commission for the people's council affairs and national administration人民委员会事务委员会主席: chairman of the committee for the problems of the people's council县人民委员会执行委员会主席: chairman to the executive committee of the people's council of the county对外联络和国际合作大人民委员会: great people's committee for foreign liaison and international cooperation墨西哥声援危地马拉人民委员会: mexican committee of solidarity with the guatemalan people叙利亚支持苏丹人民委员会: syrian committee for the support of the sudanese people伊斯兰声援撒赫勒人民委员会: committee on islamic solidarity with the sahel people村民委员会: villagers' committee; village committee