The synthesis and correction of simulated earthquake wave on hydraulic design response spectrum 基于水工标准反应谱的人工地震动合成及其校正
The paper has presented a physical oil production technology by artificial earthquake , that is , vibration waves are caused in the oil - bearing formation , resulting in a series of vibration effects , there - fore , oil productivity or water injectivity is increased 摘要人工地震采油是通过地面可调频振源进行一定频率的振动,产生振动波,在油层发生一系列的波动效应,达到增产增注目的的一项物理法采油技术。
On the basis of analyzing previous scientists ' work , aeromagnetic data from north china wee reprocessed with 3 - d magnetosphere inversion method and program quantitative buried depth of curie temperature interface was obtained ; seismogenesis and its re1atnhip with curie temperature interface were discussed in the light of results from deep seismic sounding and deep fluid 摘要在前人工作的基础上,运用三维磁性层反演方法和程序,对华北地区航磁资料进行了再处理,得出了研究区内居里温度面的定量埋深,结合人工地震测深和深部流体对地震成因及其与居里面的关系进行了讨论。