

发音:   用"人工喊价"造句
  • open outcry
  • 人工:    artificial manual work; work ...
  • :    shout; cry out; yell
  • :    a male servant
  • 喊价:    asked price; bidding
  • 出价,喊价:    bid n.、v


        人工:    artificial manual work; work ...
        :    shout; cry out; yell
        :    a male servant
        喊价:    asked price; bidding
        出价,喊价:    bid n.、v
        开价, 喊价:    price asked
        要价,喊价:    ask
        报价或喊价:    price-quote
        公开喊价:    open outcry
        估家喊价:    seller's call
        喊价成交:    outcry market
        喊价低于:    under-bid
        喊价过低:    underbid
        公开喊价方式:    open outcry
        公开喊价市场:    open outcry markets
        人工:    1.(人为的) artificial2.(人力) manual work; work done by hand 用机器代替人工 install machines to replace manual labor; 抽水机坏了, 只好用人工车水。 we had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down.3.(工作量计算单位, 指一个人做工一天) a calculating unit of the amount of work done; 人工哺乳 artificial suckling; 人工哺乳婴孩 bottle baby; 人工采光 artificial daylight; 人工草场 artificially sown pastures; 人工草地 artificial pasture; 人工产物 artefact; 人工成本 labor cost; 人工程序 manual program; 人工池 [土] cistern; 人工抽样 artificial sampling; 人工处理 manual handling; 人工传染 artificial infection; regeneration; 人工岛 artificial island; 人工岛港 port island; 人工堤 artificial levee; 人工孵化 artifical incubation; 人工港 [土] artificial harbor; 人工更新 artificial regeneration; 人工合成蛋白质 [生物学] synthetic protein; 人工合成结晶胰岛素 [生物学] synthetic crystalline insulin; 人工河 race; 人工喉 [医学] artificial larynx; 人工呼吸 [医学] artificial respiration; artificial breathing; 人工降水 artificial precipitation; 人工降雨装置 rainer; 人工林 planted forest; 人工牧草 artificial grass; 人工牧场 artificial pasturage; 人工牛黄 calculus bovis factitius; 人工培养 artificial rearing; 人工培养珍珠 cultured pearl; 人工配种 [牧] artificial breeding; 人工器官 artificial organ; 人工肾 artificial kidney; 人工授粉 hand-pollinate; 人工授精 [医学] artificial insemination; 人工水道 dike; 人工饲料 artificial diet; 人工心肺机 [医学] heart-lung machine; artificial heart-lung machine; 人工心脏 artificial heart; 人工选择 artificial selection; 人工语言 artificial language; fabricted language; formal language; [自动化] synthetic language; 人工造林(法) artificial afforestation; 人工造雨 rainmaking; 人工照明 artificial lighting
        公开喊价,公开叫价:    open outcry
        公开叫价;公开喊价:    open outcry
        沽盘;喊价;索价;卖方报价:    asked price
        喊价加码, 增加出价:    bid ahead
        股票市场开市前的喊价:    before hours
        喊价逐步减低的拍卖。:    dutch auction
        买进出价和卖出喊价:    bid and asked price
        卖进出价和卖出喊价:    bid and asked
        非人工:    unartifical


  1. "人工过早搏动"英文
  2. "人工海浪"英文
  3. "人工海浪泳池"英文
  4. "人工海水"英文
  5. "人工海滩"英文
  6. "人工焊机"英文
  7. "人工焊接"英文
  8. "人工夯"英文
  9. "人工夯实"英文
  10. "人工夯实的"英文


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