Use the results from the market research to produce a demographic profile of the target audience 通过市场研究的结果去勾勒出目标受众的人口统计学特征。
These antecedents included procedural fairness , demographic characteristics . at last , we found that employees with different degrees of pos should perform differently in their works 其次,分析了部分因素对员工组织支持感的影响作用,这些影响因素主要包括程序公平和员工的人口统计学特征。
Firstly , she examines visitors ’ underlying motivation to the vernacular villages , xidi - hongcun , in southern anhui and identifies five push factor domains and four pull factor domains . additional analysis investigated differences in the push and pull factor domains for different socio - demographic subgroups . the study results hold useful implications for exploiting and protecting resources , and expanding market in vernacular villages in southern anhui 第二章从推力因素和引力因素两个不同领域,分析了皖南古村落的代表? ?西递和宏村旅游者的潜在旅游动机,从众多测量指标中整合出5个推力因子和4个引力因子,并进一步检验了推力和引力因素在不同人口统计学特征群体间存在的显著差异,为古村落旅游资源开发与保护、拓展旅游市场提供理论依据。