人口: population经济: economy方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...人口经济: economics of population人口经济学: economics of population; population economics经济方法: econometric methods; economic means; economic method; economical method人口经济模式: demoeconomic model劳动与人口经济学研究: study on labor &demographic economics欧洲人口经济学学会: espe; european society for population economics救济方法: means of redress; means of relief; measure of relief; remedies经济方案: economical programme经济方面: economical aspect; socio-economic a ects of human settlements; socio-economic aspects of human settlements经济方针: business policy; economic guidelines我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法: we must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale联立经济方程: simultaneous economic relations阳春(最经济方式): no-frills出口经济指南: export economicische voorlichting救助方法, 救济方法: means of relief裁军的经济方面: economic aspects of disarmament: disarmament as an investment process经济方案的推动者: agents of economic programmes网络经济方兴未艾: the rise of the net economy其救济方法是给补偿金: the remedy is damages用尽行政的救济方法: exhaustion of administrative remedies人类住区的社会-经济方面: socio-economic aspects of human settlements经济人口学: economic demography