

发音:   用"人力密集"造句
  • intensive labor
  • labor intensive
  • 人力:    manpower; manual labour; lab ...
  • 密集:    concentrated; crowded togeth ...
  • 劳力密集:    labour-intensive 劳力密集型产品 labour-intensive product; 劳力密集型产业 labour-intensive industry; 劳力密集型企业 labour intensive enterprise; 劳力密集和知识密集相结合的产业 both labour-and-knowledge-intensive industries
  • 智力密集型:    concentration of brain power knowledge-intensive; concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive; knowledge-intensive / concentration of brain power
  • 劳动力密集型:    labor-intensive



          人力:    manpower; manual labour; lab ...
          密集:    concentrated; crowded togeth ...
          劳力密集:    labour-intensive 劳力密集型产品 labour-intensive product; 劳力密集型产业 labour-intensive industry; 劳力密集型企业 labour intensive enterprise; 劳力密集和知识密集相结合的产业 both labour-and-knowledge-intensive industries
          智力密集型:    concentration of brain power knowledge-intensive; concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive; knowledge-intensive / concentration of brain power
          劳动力密集型:    labor-intensive
          劳力密集工业:    labour-intensive industry
          劳力密集技术:    labor intensive technique; labour intensive technique
          智力密集工业:    brain-intensive industries
          劳动力密集的产业:    labour-intensive industry
          劳动力密集型企业:    labour-intensive enterprise
          劳力密集型产品:    labour intensive product
          劳力密集型产业:    labour-intensive industry
          劳力密集型工业:    labour-intensive industries
          劳力密集型企业:    labour intensive enterprise
          人力资本密集:    human capital intensity
          劳力密集和知识密集相结合的产业:    both labour and knowledge intensive industries
          劳动力密集型特别公共工程方案:    special labour intensive public works programme
          密集:    concentrated; crowded together; dense; close; intensive 劳动力密集的产业 labour-intensive industry; 密集的人群 a dense crowd; 密集的弹雨 a shower of bullets; 人口密集 densely populated; thickly populated; 这里的人群最密集, 热情也最高。 here the crowd was thickest and most enthusiastic.; 密集队形 close formation; tight formation; 密集防守 close defence; 密集轰炸 [军事] density bombing; mass bombing; 密集火力 closely grouped fire; 密集炮火 intensive bombardment; concentrated fire; massed fire; drumfire; stonk; 密集射击 mass of fire
          人力:    manpower; manual labour; labour power 人力资源 human resources; 人力和人心的对比 a contest of human power and morale; 合理安排人力 allocate manpower properly; 人力开发 manpower development; 人力控制 manual control; 人力切草机 clipper hand straw cutter; 人力收割机 hand reaper; manual reaper; 人力踏车 treadmill; 人力投资 investment in human resources; human capital investment; 人力推车 hutching; 人力需求 manpower demand; 人力资本 human capital
          力密度:    force de ity; force density
          兵力密度:    density of troops
          侧力密度:    lateral force density
          弹力密封:    elastomeric seal; elastometric seal
          浮力密度:    buoyancy density; buoyant density
          横力密度:    lateral force density


    1. "人力利用调查"英文
    2. "人力利用和配置调查"英文
    3. "人力链条传动"英文
    4. "人力领先的"英文
    5. "人力锚机"英文
    6. "人力培训"英文
    7. "人力培训主任"英文
    8. "人力配备表"英文
    9. "人力喷雾器"英文
    10. "人力起动摇把"英文


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