A new algorithm for speech enhancement using threshold - based wavelet domain method 主动式人体电流感觉阈值的测量方法研究
Then sitting with your hands together in the lap is also very very useful for low - energy people , because when both the hands are touching each other , your body electricity starts moving in a circle 坐时把你的两手叠放在大腿前部,对能量低的人是非常非常有帮助的,因为当两只手相互接触,你的人体电流开始循环流动起来。
人体: human body; version电流: electric current人体电极: body electrodes人体电容: body capacity; bodycapacitance人体电阻: body resistance人体电容效应: body capacity effect; body effect人体电容影响: body capacity effect船体电流: hull current; hullcurrent导体电流: conductor current晶体电流: crystal current晶体电流计: crystal galvanometer驱体电流: driving current保护导体电流: protective conductor current等离子体电流: plasma current人体安全电流: body safety current晶体电流放大器: crystal current amplifier穿孔导体电流存取器件: hole conductor current access device; hole-conductor current access device电流通过人体的效应: effects of current passing through the human body : general aspects接触电流和保护导体电流的测量方法: methods of measurement of touchcurrent and protective conductor currentt人体: human body; version◇人体测量 anthropological measuring; 人体电流 body current; 人体解剖 human anatomy; 人体解剖学 anthropotomy; 人体进化论 anthroponomy; 人体生物钟 circadian rhythm; 人体特异功能 extraordinary function of human body; 人体钟 body clock体电荷: bulk charge; volume charge; volume electric charge体电离: volume ionization体电容: body capacitance体电势: bulk potential体电阻: bulk resistance; bulk resistor; volume resistance