亲近: be close to; be on intimate ...大自然: nature有益: profitable; beneficial; usef ...我们: we的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...身心健康: sound in body and mind; phys ...有益身心健康的: wholly ad有益于身心健康的: useful to your health or character接近大自然: stand close to nature身心健康: physical and mental health; physical and psychological health; physically and mentally healthy; sound body and mind; sound in body and mind; sound in mind and body更接近大自然: stand much closer to nature求得身心健康: physical and mental well-being身心健康方案: wellness programs影响身心健康: affect physical and psychological health身心健康的改善: health improvement身心健康调查表: psychosomatic inventory亚裔身心健康协会: amha- taipei有利于我们的身体健康: be beneficial to our physical health我们的身体: my body促进儿童身心健康发展: promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally老年人身心健康评价: geriatric assessment我们的自然: musu gamta身心健全: physically and mentally healthy; sound in mind and body大自然: nature 征服大自然 conquer nature; 乌云翻滚, 雷电交加, 我们似乎看到了一场大自然的搏斗。 as the huge clouds rolled up accompanied by thunder and lightning, it seemed as though we were watching a war of the elements人人有权享有最佳身心健康问题特别报告员: standard of physical and mental health