产: give birth to; be delivered ...间: space in between; opening母亲: mother死亡: die; breathe one's last; dea ...产后母亲死亡: postpartum maternal death产前母亲死亡: antepartum maternal death胎儿产间死亡: fetal intrapartum death; intrapartum fetal death母亲死后撂下两个孩子: the mother died leaving two children behind她母亲死了她穿上了丧服: she went in to mourning on the death of her mother生产间: dairy building中间母体: intermediate parent body母亲: mother◇母亲大会 the mothers' congress; 母亲节 mother's day (on the second sunday in may)引产间歇期,引产间歇: induction-delivery interval父亲死后: after father died mother carried on the business产间子痫: eclampsia intrapartum; intrapartum eclampsia子宫内死亡影响对母亲的处理: intrauterine death affecting management of mother死亡: die; breathe one's last; death; doom; dysthanasia; abiosis; end; meet one's death; the last [long; eternal] sleep; the last great change; never-ending sleep; sleep in the grave; take one's last sleep; pop off; kick the bucket; pass away; go to hell; go west; cease to be; go to heaven 挣扎在死亡线上 struggle for existence on the verge of death; struggle to stave off starvation; 把病人从死亡的边缘抢救过来 snatch the patient from the jaws of death; 死亡保险 insurance against death; mortality insurance; death insurance; 死亡地点 death place; 死亡抚恤金 death benefits; 死亡鉴定 verification of death; 死亡事故 fatal accident; 死亡通告 obituary; death notice; 死亡学 thanatology; 死亡原因 cause of death; 死亡诊断 medical diagnosis on death; 死亡证明书 death certificate; certificate of death 父亲死后出生的: postthumous产时子痫,产间子痫: eclampsia intrapartum爱母亲: haha o kowazuya当母亲: maternally父母亲: eltern; freunden; genitor; kolleginen; parents好母亲: the good mother母亲岛: isola madre母亲的: maternal; motherly