

发音:   用"产业看管员"造句


  1. A number of departments hire private security service instead of using property attendants who are civil servants
  2. The meteorological station was automated in 1992 and scientific assistants were no longer posted at cheung chau . the task of hoisting and lowering of signals was taken over by the property attendants
  3. The meteorological station was automated in 1992 and scientific assistants were no longer posted at cheung chau . the task of hoisting and lowering of signals was taken over by the property attendants


        产业:    estate; property industrial
        看管:    look after; attend to
        :    a surname
        产业看管长:    head property attendant
        政府产业看管人员协会:    government property attendants association
        书库看管员:    atack attendant
        水闸看管员:    lock keeper
        产业看守员:    property attendant
        看管:    1.(照管) look after; attend to 你去买票, 我来看管行李。 i'll mount guard over the luggage while you get the ticket.2.(看守) guard; watch 看管犯人 guard prisoners; 仓库由老吴看管。 the storehouse is under the care of old wu.; 看管者 keeper
        保管员:    custody; depositary; depository; godown keeper; godown-keeper; locker; storekeeper; storeman
        仓管员:    rx-lab gz; storekeeper; warehouse keeper
        监管员:    supervisor
        库管员:    logistic checker; warehouse keeper
        品管员:    qc quality control
        网管员:    network administrator; network manager
        协管员:    bsd-001; crossing guard; warehouse assistant
        看管, 拘押:    custodia
        看管,照管:    tend
        看管人:    caretaker; concierge; gatetender
        看管者:    caretaker; keeper; tender
        照顾,看管:    look after
        照料,看管:    look after
        产业:    1.(私有财产) estate; property2.(工业生产的) industrial 产业发展的地区布局 geographical distribution of industrial development; 产业结构合理化 rationalize the industrial make-up; rationalize the structure of production; 产业革命 the industrial revolution; 产业工会 industrial union; 产业工人 industrial worker; 产业合理化 rationalization of industry; 产业后备军 industrial reserve army; reserve army of labor; 产业结构 industrial structure [set-ups]; structure of production [enterprises]; set up of production; industry mix; the industrial make-up; 产业界 industrial circles; 产业军 industrial army; 产业情报 industrial espionage; 产业心理学 industrial psychology; 产业突变 industrial mutation; 产业循环 business cycle; 产业政策 industrial policy; 产业资本家 industrial capitalist
        案卷保管员:    archivist
        保管员室:    store keeper's room


  1. "产业经济研究部"英文
  2. "产业竞争"英文
  3. "产业均衡"英文
  4. "产业军"英文
  5. "产业看管长"英文
  6. "产业看守员"英文
  7. "产业科技工作组"英文
  8. "产业科学研究院"英文
  9. "产业空洞化"英文
  10. "产业空置通知书"英文


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