Prices of u . s . crude for future delivery briefly touched 70 dollars a barrel in asian trading 美国原油在亚洲交易市场的5月交货价格一度达到每桶70美元。
Continued bullish producer sentiment in the ag and caution over future freight rates has firmed trader price ideas for sept / oct deliveries 生产商在ag方面持续上扬的情绪和对未来运费费率的谨慎,已经稳定了贸易商关于9月份、 10月份的交货价格的想法。
Upon receipt receipt of the customer ' s acceptance , the price of any article scheduled for delivery on a date beyond a period of 90 days from the date of our quotation is subject to increase or decrease by us unless otherwise agreed in writing 一收到客户的承认书,除非我方另有书面同意,从我方的报价期起九十天后任何货物的交货价格都可提高或降低。
交货: delivery; consignment价格: price; tariff到货价, 交货价格: delivered price岸上交货价格: landed terms驳船交货价格: free into barge舱内交货价格: free into bunker仓库交货价格: ex-warehouse price车上交货价格: foc车站交货价格: free on station船边交货价格: fas free alongside ship; f.a.s. pricefree alongside shiprice; f.o.b. & trimmed price; fas price; free along shi(f.a.s.); free alongside ship price; price delivered along vessel船上交货价格: ex ship terms; fob free on board; fos (free on ship); free on steamer; free overside当地交货价格: loco price工厂交货价格: fob factory (work’s); fob mill; mill net price就船交货价格: fob卡车交货价格: fot free on truck矿山交货价格: ex mine码头交货价格: ex dock; ex quay; ex wharf; exquay; foq free on quay; free at quay农场交货价格: farm-gate price税后交货价格: duty paidex customs compound铁路交货价格: for free on rail现场交货价格: ex point of origin; franco price; loco price油库交货价格: tank cession price展销交货价格: ex showroom=free-on-quay码头交货价格: foq边境交货价格条件: delivered at frontier; franco frontier; free border