

发音:   用"交货付现"造句


  1. Terms of payment : cash upon delivery ( cod ) unless therwise specified


        交货:    delivery; consignment
        付现:    pay cash
        交货付现,货到付款:    cash on delivery
        交货付款销售, 货到付现:    collect on delivery sales
        定货付现:    cash with order
        订货付现:    cash in order; cash with order
        订货付现款:    cash with order
        交货付款:    cash against delivery; cash on delivery; payment on delivery◇交货付款销售 collect on delivery sales
        交货付款销售:    collect on delivery sales
        付现后交货:    c.b.d. cash before delivery
        交货前付现:    cbd cash before delivery; payment prior to delivery
        (英)交货付款,现款交货:    cash on deliver (c.o.d)
        订货付款,随订单付现:    cash with order: cwo; cash with order: cwo
        订货付现;凭票即付:    cash with order
        订货时付款,订货付现,落单付现:    cash with order (c.w.o., c.w.o.)
        付现金后交货:    c.b.d. = cash before delivery
        付现款后交货:    cash basis
        交货前付现款:    c.i.a. cash in advance
        到货付款,交货时付款:    pay on delivery
        交货前付现金现金预付:    cash in advance
        空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货:    cash before delivery(c.b.d.)
        付现:    pay in cash; cash; pay cash; cash on the barrelhead◇付现成本 outlay cost; out-of-pocket cost; payment in cash; 付现市场 cash market; 付现条件 cash terms; 付现无折扣 paid off; 付现制造成本 out-of-pocket manufacturing cost
        交货:    delivery; consignment 仓库交货 ex warehouse; 船上交货 ex ship; 分批交货 partial delivery; 铁路旁交货 ex rail; 即期交货 prompt delivery; 近期交货 near delivery; 远期交货 forward delivery; 交货保证 guarantee of delivery; 交货不足[短缺] short delivery; 交货簿 delivery book; 交货承运人 delivery carrier; 交货错误 wrong delivery; 交货单 delivery order; 交货地点 place of delivery; delivery point; 交货港 port of delivery; 交货及时 the punctual delivery of goods; 交货记录 boat note; delivery record; 交货期 delivery date; 交货期限控制 delivery control; 交货日期 delivery date; date of delivery; 交货收据 delivery receipt; 交货收款 cash on delivery; 交货收款价 cost freight price; 交货条件 delivery terms; 交货条款 term for delivery; delivery clause; 交货延迟 delay in delivery; 交货月份 contract month; delivery month; 交货证明书 certificate of delivery; 交货指数 shipment index; 交货重量 delivery weight; 交货状态 condition of delivery
        付现金, 付现:    ready payment
        到货付款:    pay on delivery


  1. "交货方法"英文
  2. "交货飞行"英文
  3. "交货付款"英文
  4. "交货付款销售"英文
  5. "交货付款销售, 货到付现"英文
  6. "交货付现,货到付款"英文
  7. "交货港"英文
  8. "交货港口"英文
  9. "交货给承销商"英文
  10. "交货给收货人"英文


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