交易: business; deal; trade; trans ...处理: deal or cope with网络: network; electric network me ...服务: give service to; be in the s ...交易网络服务: tns交易处理: osi transaction processing; tp; transaction processing and logging交易处理应用服务单元: tpase transaction processing application service element交易处理程序: transaction processing program交易处理系统: transaction processing system连线交易处理: online transaction processing (oltp); online transaction processingg; processing, on-line transaction (oltp)线上交易处理: oltp; online transaction processing在线交易处理: online transaction processing; on-line transaction processing (oltp)edi网络服务: edi network service网络服务: net services; network services; ns network service; web service网络服务点: ns network service point网络服务股: network service branch网络服务级: network service level网络服务器: network servers; server, network; web server网络服务商: internet service provider网络服务帧: network service frame数据处理网络: dpn data processing network带宽网络服务: bns broadband network services对话网络服务: session network services高级网络服务: high-level network service高速网络服务: high speed network services