

  • colonu artiarius


        交付:    pay
        实物地租:    rent in kind
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        实物地租:    corn rent; land tax paid in kind; natural rent; rent in kind
        免地租的:    rent-free
        小农场中的佃农:    crofter
        小农场的佃农或主人:    person who rents or owns a small farm esin scotland
        对否认承租的佃户要求收回土地的令状:    sur disclaimer
        佃农:    cottager; cottar; cotter; cottier; crofter; ryot; share cropper; sharecropper; tenant farmer; tenant-holder; tenant-peasant; tenantfarmer; tenantry
        租的:    chartered; lumpy; rental
        地租:    land rent; ground rent; rent 地租剥削 rent exploitation; exploitation through land rent; 货币地租 money rent; 绝对地租 absolute rent; 劳役地租 labour rent; 垄断地租 monopoly rent; 实物地租 rent in kind
        实物:    1.(实际应用的东西) material object2.(真实具体的东西) in kind; entity; matter◇实物地租 rent in kind; 实物工资 wages in kind; 实物交易 barter; 实物捐助 contribution in kind; 实物税 tax (paid) in kind; taxation in kind
        佃农,农奴:    colonus
        佃农法:    agricultural tenancy law
        佃农制:    tenancy; tenant farming
        小佃农:    sharecropper; smallholder
        交付:    1.(付钱) pay 交付定金 pay down payment; 交付现金 pay cash; payment in cash; 交付租金 pay rent2.(交给) turn over; hand over; deliver; delivery; reference; consign 交付审查 hand over for investigation; 交付审判 committal for trial; submit to trial; 交付定货 execute an order; fill an order; 交付运营 be open to traffic; 交付日期 due date; date of delivery; 交付宣判 render a verdict; 交付单证 tender documents; 交付年代 year of delivery; 交付能力 deliverability; 交付期限[条件] term of delivery; 交付人 forwarder; 交付外币 surrender foreign currency; 交付现金 cash payment
        承租的:    chartering
        出租的:    for-hire; hackney; tenemental
        可租的:    rentable; tenantable
        佃农协会:    tenantassociation
        佃农制度:    tenureship
        对分佃农:    metayer
        小农奴佃农:    cottar
        租佃农场:    tenant farm


  1. "交付设备和材料"英文
  2. "交付审查"英文
  3. "交付审判"英文
  4. "交付审判的裁定"英文
  5. "交付时间"英文
  6. "交付使用"英文
  7. "交付使用费用"英文
  8. "交付数量, 供给数量"英文
  9. "交付通知书"英文
  10. "交付外币"英文


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