亚洲: Asia区域: area; beat; reach; domain; p ...培训: cultivate; train和: mix; blend发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...组织: organization; organized syst ...培训和发展: training and development美国培训和发展协会: training and development american society for; training and development, american society for区域合作发展组织: regional cooperation organization for development (rcod); regionale kooperationsorganisation für entwicklung (rcod)妇女环境和发展组织: women's environment and development organization国际司法和发展组织: international organization justice and development; iojd国际正义和发展组织: international organization-justice and development经济合作和发展组织: oecd organization for economic cooperation and development; office of oecd european community and atlantic political economic affairs贸易促进和发展组织名录: directory of trade promotion and development organizations民事服务培训和发展研究所: civil service training and development institute (cstdi)亚洲区域: asia regional area and country offices亚洲区域卫星: satellite asia region (star)妇女和发展非洲区域协调委员会: africa regional coordinating committee on women and development; africaregionalcoordinatingcommitteeonwomenanddevelopment卡格拉河流域管理和发展组织: kbo; organization for the management and development of the kagera river basin索马里全基督教救济和发展组织: ecumenical relief and development groufor somalia; ecumenicalreliefanddevelopmentgroupforsomalia训练和发展组织国际联合会: international federation of training and development organizations海员培训和发证国际会议: international conference on training and certification of seafarers非政府组织亚洲区域协调委员会: asian regional coordinating committee of ngos农村发展组织: iord亚洲区域方案股: asian regional programme unit