极量: maximum dose运动: arrange things or get things ...亚极量运动试验: submaximal exercise test极量运动试验: maximal exercise test; maximum exercise test接近极量运动: near-maximal exercise极量运动耐量试验: maximum exercise tolerance test极量运动试验阴性: negative maximal exercise test亚极量连续多级运动试验: submaximal continuous multistage test心电图极量运动试验: maximal exercise electrocardiogram test亚极量劳动负荷: submaximal work load磁通量运动: flux motion力量运动: strength exercise增量运动: incremental motion质量运动: mass motion; mass movement独立力量运动: movimiento de fuerza independiente坚持适量运动: constant moderate physical activities教育测量运动: educational measurement movement; measurement movement in education民族力量运动: lakas ng b; strength of the nation movement人民力量运动: lakasang bayan未来力量运动: movement of forces for the future增量运动控制: incremental motion control极量踏车运动试验: maximal bicycle exercise test换气量运动试验器: ex-factory; exercise ventilation set六分量运动检测仪: six-component motion detector新兴力量运动会: games of the new emerging forces organization; ganefo