井: well的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...调整: adjust; tune-up; trim; trimm ...清理: put in order; clean; disenta ...调整的调整: adjusting灯组的调整: adjustment of setting; illuminating surface of a signalling device调整的调节: adjusting发票的调整: invoice adjustment方剂的调整: modification of prescription机床的调整: tool set up; tool set-up施工的调整: alignment of works适当的调整: appropriate adjustment速度的调整: speed adjustment损益的调整: income adjustment无形的调整: invisible adjustment细微的调整: adjust轧辊的调整: adjustment of rolls周期的调整: adjustment of the cycle边境税的调整: border tax adjustment变压器的调整: transformer regulation对收益的调整: adjustment of yield轨距规的调整: adjustment of track gauge牵引力的调整: adjustment of tractive effort; ustment of tractive effort试验前的调整: pretest conditioning收市后的调整: late adjustment