Determination of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in foods 食品中二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸的测定
Eicosapentaenoic acid , epa 二十碳五烯酸
Various factors in ultrasonic extraction of dha and epa from algae and effect of ultrasound enhancement 超声对提取海藻二十二碳六烯酸和二十碳五烯酸的影响
High eicosapentaenoic and linoleic acid content in diet appears to modulate the inflammatory cascade in the critically ill by changing cell membrane , blocking inflammation 含有二十碳五烯酸和亚油酸的饮食看来又是一轮免疫调理营养的开始。
The squid skin can be used to extract collagen , the viscera can be used to prepare feedstuff and the oil rich - contained eicosapentaenoic acid ( epa ) and docosahexenoic acid ( dha ) and nucleic acid also can be obtained by extraction method 鱿鱼皮可提取胶原蛋白,内脏可以制成饲料、提取富含二十碳五烯酸( epa )和二十二碳六烯酸( dha )的鱿鱼油、提取核酸等。