五月: May the fifth month of the l ...大洋: silver dollar a surname路: road; way; path国际: international; between natio ...北京国际马拉松赛: beijing marathon举行了一年一度的国际马拉松赛: toronto international marathon超马拉松赛: ultramarathon马拉松赛: london marathon马拉松赛跑: marathon(race)ing台北国际马拉松比赛: ing taipei international marathon同志马拉松赛跑: comrades marathon人们夹道观看马拉松赛跑: people lined the streets to watch marathon他是马拉松赛跑选手: he is a marathon runner大洋路: great ocean road五月大厅: maio hall马拉松: 1.(指马拉松赛跑) marathon; malamar; malaphos; malaspray; malathiozoo; karbofos; kop-thion; zithiol; [南非] mercaptothion; emmatos; carbofos; cythion; kypfos 他是马拉松赛跑选手。 he is a marathon runner.2.(比喻时间持续得很久的) marathon 他作了长达六小时的马拉松演讲。 he made a marathon speech of six hours.3.(马拉硫磷) malathion; malathiozoo (有机磷杀出剂); 马拉松答问(座谈)节目 talkathon; 马拉松赛跑 marathon race; marathon; 马拉松色 marathon; 马拉松跳舞比赛[竞走] walkathon铁路国际运输: tif international transit by rail马拉硫磷,马拉松: mlt购物马拉松: shopping marathon伦敦马拉松: the london marathon马拉松 (消歧义): marathon (disambiguation)马拉松比赛: a marathon马拉松湖: marathonos limni; marathonos, limni马拉松会议: marathon meeting马拉松基金: cpmf