五: five原型: prototype; proterotype; arch ...五原: wuyuan五原村: wuyuancun原型: prototype; proterotype; archetype; anestor; model; protomodel 塑像的蜡制原型 wax model for a statue; 维纳斯像石膏原型 gypsum model of venus; 人物的原型 the prototypes of the characters; 金属轮战车是现代战争中坦克的原型。 metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare 五原子的: pentaatomic五元环;五原子环: five-membered ring操作,原型: primitive单原型: monarch; monoarch多原型: polyarch二原型: diarch还原型: gsh; nadh抗原型: antigenic type六原型: hexarch模型;原型: model七原型: heptach; heptarch三原型: tiarch; triarch四原型: tetrarch无原型: no prototype先型,原型: antetype样机,原型: prototype原型,主型: prime type原型,样机: prototype原型场: primary field原型车: protoehicle; styling