

发音:   用"互相捧场"造句
  • logrolling
  • 互相:    mutual; each other
  • 捧场:    be a member of a claque be a ...
  • 捧场:    1.(在剧场喝彩) be a member of a claque2.(替别人吹嘘) be a member of a boost; lavish praise on; sing the praises of; flatter; pay public tribute to sb.; boost sb. in the show 捧场的评论 a flattering review; 替人捧场 roll logs for sb.; 捧场人 goodwillnik; 无原则的捧场 unprincipled praise; 捧场文章 write-up
  • 被捧场:    white haired
  • 捧场迷:    goodwillnik


  1. And then , they could only comfort and beautify themselves or boast and boost with one another in their own academic field


        互相:    mutual; each other
        捧场:    be a member of a claque be a ...
        捧场:    1.(在剧场喝彩) be a member of a claque2.(替别人吹嘘) be a member of a boost; lavish praise on; sing the praises of; flatter; pay public tribute to sb.; boost sb. in the show 捧场的评论 a flattering review; 替人捧场 roll logs for sb.; 捧场人 goodwillnik; 无原则的捧场 unprincipled praise; 捧场文章 write-up
        被捧场:    white haired
        捧场迷:    goodwillnik
        捧场人:    goodwillnik
        互相:    mutual; each other 互相包庇 harbour [shield] each other; 互相策应 echo one another; take concerted action; in coordination with one another; 互相吹棒 flatter each other; logroll; claw me and i'll claw thee
        被捧场的:    white-haired
        吹嘘捧场:    lavish and sing the praises on others; laud
        大声捧场:    shout
        捧场的评价:    a flattering review
        捧场的评论:    a flattering review
        捧场文章:    write-up
        替人捧场:    roll logs for sb
        无原则的捧场:    unprincipled praise
        一帮捧场的人:    heeler
        当面捧场,背后骂娘:    praise sb. to his face and abuse him behind his backpay compliments to someone's face but to curse and swear behind his back
        当面捧场背后骂娘:    pay compliments to someone's face but to curse and swear behind his back
        彼此,互相:    one another
        互相;相互:    each other
        互相的:    commutative; mutual
        互相地:    one another
        互相告:    litigation
        互相关:    cc cross correlation; mutual correlation; mutual dependency; mutuality; simple crosscorrelation
        互相千:    cross-coherence


  1. "互相排斥的项目"英文
  2. "互相排挤"英文
  3. "互相盘绕"英文
  4. "互相配合"英文
  5. "互相配合检测"英文
  6. "互相碰撞"英文
  7. "互相平均法"英文
  8. "互相平行"英文
  9. "互相评价法"英文
  10. "互相泼水"英文


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